Social Entrepreneurship for Health Enhancing Networks & Building Capacities

Date: 1 November 2012
Time: 9:00am - 12:00pm
Venue: 315, 3/F, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus, The University of Hong Kong

Abstractseminar poster
Social Entrepreneurship for Health: Enhancing Networks & Building Capacities aims to share experienceson innovative SE models for delivering health services. Participants will be discussing SE models within the contexts of different health sectors to explore the extent to which models can be translated between sectors and settings. Themes will include: the rationale for developing SEs for health; different SE models and their applicability to Hong Kong; the formulation of a provisional metrics for evaluation. The meeting will further dialogue with the express purpose of building SE networks and enhancing SE capacities in Hong Kong. 

Capacity Building for Social Entrepreneurship in Health Services for the Elderly in Hong Kong
Mr. Timothy Ma
Senior Project Consultant,  Senior Citizen Home Safety Association and Executive Director, Project Flame: Social Innovation & Entrepreneurship @ CityU

Social Entrepreneurship for Mental Health in Hong Kong
Ms. Sania Yau
CEO, New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association, Hong Kong

Social Entrepreneurship for Sexual Health

Dr. Kevin Fenton
Director, National Center for HIV/STD/TB, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Hybrid Models of Health Delivery: Social Entrepreneurship

Dr. Robert Peckham
Co-Director, Centre for the Humanities and Medicine, HKU

Registration and enquiries:

This event is part of the ExCEL3 Project supported by the Faculty of Social Sciences, HKU and the Hong Kong Jockey Club.